打包贷款——packing credit 信用证——L/C,letter of credit 英语翻译:贷款期限是评估信用风险中的一个基本因素 Loan time is a a basic factor of credit risk evaluation. 怎么用英语翻译无抵押贷款,无抵押贷款用英语怎么说 无抵押贷款 可译为:unsecured loan、clean loan 例句: 这些贷款类工具可包括信用卡债务、无抵押贷款和公司贷款等。
The instruments could include some credit card debts, unsecured loans and lending to companies. 这可以使其更易于获得无抵押贷款,应您的需要。 This can make it easier to get an unsecured loan should you need it. 《热文》还报道了希腊私人银行向自己青睐的客户发放无抵押贷款的阴谋,这种做法曾受到希腊前总理乔治帕潘德里欧(george papandreou)的指控。 Hotdoc has also covered the machinations of private Greek banks accused by George Papandreou, the former premier, of issuing thalassodaneia unsecured loans to favoured clients. 他们发现在淄博无抵押贷款情况下,出租车司机有足够的钱买他们的住宅,武汉的一名教授在两所大学任教并拥有一套住宅。 They found a taxi driver in Zibo who had saved enough to buy his home without a mortgage, and a professor in Wuhan who owned a flat close to each of the two universities he taught at. 政府可以通过本文了解市场的需求,从而制定适当的政策;国内的商业银行在开展个人无抵押贷款业务,制定风险控制措施时,也可以作为有益的参考。 The government could realize the market requirement and make suitable policy. The local commercial banks could take as reference when they launch personal unsecured loan products and set up risk control measures. 随着我国兑现入世承诺,向外资银行开放人民币业务,各种各样的银行金融产品出现在国内市场,个人无抵押贷款作为其中一员将逐渐被公众了解。 With the entry of WTO, China opens RMB market to foreign banks. All kinds of bank products are launched to domestic market. Personal unsecured loan ( PUL) will be known as one of them. 望采纳 credit 和lending的区别 你应该说creadit 和leanding应用在某一个方面或场景中的区别。。。⊙﹏⊙b汗
1. 贷款,借贷 Lender 放款人,贷方,出租人...lending 贷款,借贷...lending bank 贷款银行 2. 贷款;放款 lender of last resort system 最后贷款人制度...lending 贷款;放款...lending agreement 借贷协议 3. 借给,出租;借出的 1637. equipment n. 设备,装备,仪器...1638. lending n. & a. 借给,出租;借出的...1639. book n. 书,手册,源程序块 4. 借款 lending rate贷款利率...lending借款...liability for endorsement背书责任