对大学生校园贷款看法作文 岁月的巨打着记忆石,破碎了,散作一团白沫起潮落,遗躺滩上的贝壳。大海就在眼前,可再也回不去了,只好独自品味其中的孤独。一如岁月之流把20岁的小舟搁浅,美妙韶华,定格成年龄深处那淡蓝的风景。乘着这艘小船我驶向一个叫大学的彼岸……
平静有序的大学生活在我的生命中已展开两个多月了,每月奔忙于课堂,食堂和图书馆之间,当自己完全地浸淫于知识的海洋中时,心底涌起的是一份满足和恬然;当自己漫步于校园的林阴小径时,呼吸着属于校园的空气,满足于校园的一草一木,我常常会忘穷情于其中,也是就在其中存在着另一些“不平凡”的日子…… 网贷进校园,不能有钱任性 话题作文 有三口人,我今年13岁,我妈妈39岁,我爸爸38岁.我是一个女生,也是一个任性的女生.不过我觉得我妈虽然年龄比较大了,也有那么一点点的任性. 今天早上,我爸爸说了我妈妈几句,其实在我看来也没什么了,可是我妈就赌气,这一点也是我没有想到的.今天中午吃午饭,可就是找不到我妈了.也许,她还在为上午的事生闷气吧,反正我也不知道她怎么想的.先是我去找,我看到我妈妈的电瓶车停在我外公家(我外公去我阿姨家了,外婆已经去世了),可是我对着屋子叫了几声,可是没有人回答.我只好骑着我的自行车回来了……无奈啊…… 现在,我爸爸有去找了,我在家都不知道怎么办了. 说句实话,我比较喜欢我爸爸,我爸爸看起来很和蔼,我遇到困难也总会教我,耐心地给我解释……我妈妈以前也是很有耐心的,可是现在动不动就板着一副脸.更年期一般在45岁左右,我妈妈只有39岁,还不到啊!因为我吗?不会啊.我觉得我的成绩也很好啊,没道理回惹她生气嘛! 反正,我也不知道,我不喜欢我妈,因为我觉得我妈太任性了,已经没有了宽容.再说,我觉得今天的事我爸爸也没有错. 我感觉我都没有我妈妈任性,平时虽然我也很容易生气,但我哭过就忘了,而且从来没有不回家吃饭的时候…… 我很想我妈妈回到从前……回到从前的那个温柔的妈妈,虽然以前的妈妈也有缺点,但至少不会和现在一样啊!不会老是生气,老是埋怨.她到底怎么了?我不理解,也没有办法理解.假如她有什么委屈的话,可以告诉我啊!我毕竟是她的女儿啊! 我不知道我的希望是否会实现,只是希望.最近,我爸爸和妈妈经常吵架……也许他们都不明白我的感受… 急求关于校园网贷的英语四级作文 begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance.
Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time.
Thirdly, modern conveniences such as radio, TV, internet, various vehicles and labour-saving machines in the home, all greatly facilitate human communication, transportation and housework as well.
Nevertheless, living in the 21st century also has its disadvantages. The most serious one is the increasingly polluted environment; air is filled with smog and water is contaminated by iehemicals from factories.Another main disadvantage is the personalization of human relattonships 防止不良校园贷款作文1500字 怎么会有这样的作文,既然系围裙用了优雅二字,我想要描述的是琴棋书和柴米油盐兼得的,上得厅堂下得厨房的女子吧, 关于校园网贷利弊的英文作文(不用太难,不用太长,简单一点的,要有中文翻译)
写作思路:通过校园网贷对于学生的作用来描写,结合学生这一特殊群体,没有收入,攀比心强,自制,写出校园网贷的危害。 正文: College students are young, curious and hope to keep up with the trend, so fashionable electronic products are favored by them. But electronic products are often expensive, often thousands, some even tens of thousands. 大学生正值年少、好奇心强、希望能紧跟潮流,时尚的电子产品就受到了他们的青睐。但是电子产品往往价格高昂,动辄几千,有的甚至上万。 In the reporter's survey, most students' monthly living expenses are between hundreds and 1000 yuan, and the source of these living expenses is mainly provided by their parents, and few of them can obtain stable income through part-time jobs. 在记者的调查中,大部分学生的月生活费在几百到一千元之间,而这些生活费的来源主要是父母提供,通过兼职获得稳定收入的并不多。 The contradiction between consumption power and consumption desire makes staging an important way for them to purchase electronic products. Among the surveyed students, the items purchased by installment payment are electronic products, entertainment consumption, daily necessities, etc., of which electronic products account for a large proportion. 消费能力和消费欲望的矛盾使得分期成为他们购买电子产品的一个重要途径。在受访学生中,使用分期付款购买的物品依次为电子产品、 娱乐消费、日用百货等,其中电子产品占了相当大的比例。 On the one hand, when students are short of money, the campus network loan can really solve the urgent need. 一方面,当学生囊中羞涩时,校园网贷确实能解燃眉之急。 Xiao Ren, a senior in the Civil Engineering College of Hebei Institute of architecture and engineering, said: "we don't have a stable income now. Facing the high price of electronic products, we are often" powerless ". Campus network loan can make us enjoy those products that we have been longing for for earlier. 河北建筑工程学院土木工程学院大四学生小任说:我们现在还没有稳定的收入,面对价格高昂的电子产品往往‘有心无力’,校园网贷可以使我们更早享受那些心仪已久的产品。 I think as long as college students can reasonably arrange the quota, they can make full use of it within the scope of tolerance. 我认为只要大学生能够合理安排额度,在承受范围内是完全可以充分利用的。 In addition, like the traditional bank card, the credit business provided by the e-commerce platform also has a fixed repayment date every month. For example, ant Huabei business sets the 10th day of each month as the repayment date. If the current payable amount is not paid before the repayment date, the corresponding overdue interest will be generated. 另外,与传统银行卡一样,电商平台提供的信贷业务每个月也有固定的还款日。如蚂蚁花呗业务设定每月的10日为还款日,若在还款日前,未还清当前应还金额,会产生相应的逾期利息。 If the repayment period is not exceeded within one month, the credit record will not be affected, but the interest will be paid more. If the repayment period is more than one month, the credit record will be "tainted". 如果没有超出还款期限1个月之内能够把款还上的话则不会影响信用记录,只是会多还点利息,如果超出了1个月,信用记录上就会留下“污点”。 求一篇关于学生校园贷款的英语作文,六级考试能用的 晚的英语太厉害了吧,都过六级了。 关于校园网贷的作文 我家有三,我今年13岁,妈39岁,我爸爸38岁.我是一个女,一个任性的女生.不过我觉得我妈年较大了,也有那么一点点的任性. 今天早上,我爸爸说了我妈妈几句,其实在我看来也没什么了,可是我妈就赌气,这一点也是我没有想到的.今天中午吃午饭,可就是找不到我妈了.也许,她还在为上午的事生闷气吧,反正我也不知道她怎么想的.先是我去找,我看到我妈妈的电瓶车停在我外公家(我外公去我阿姨家了,外婆已经去世了),可是我对着屋子叫了几声,可是没有人回答.我只好骑着我的自行车回来了……无奈啊…… |