有人能提供一篇关于大学生信用卡风险防范的英文文章吗?急用,万分感谢,最好中英文都有 google 阿,关键词 credit card,college,risk control 我找了两篇比较好的,你看看 http://myvesta.org/news/releases/052302PRMoneyAbuse2.html http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-2/credit.html
College-Age Adults At Risk For Money Abuse Myvesta survey finds men and women show high levels, but in different behaviors For Immediate Release: May 23, 2002
ROCKVILLE, Md. — College-age adults show more signs of money abuse than any other age group, according to survey data released by Myvesta, a financial crisis and treatment center. Adults, age 18 to 24, score higher than any other age group in five of nine negative money behaviors that Myvesta uses to determine the level of a person's money abuse.
In addition, the survey shows that men and women across all age groups have similarly high levels of money abuse, but through different behaviors. Women are more likely to shop to relieve stress, while men are more likely to make purchases to impress others.
The findings are from a demographic analysis of Myvesta's March 2002 Money Abuse Survey, which found that 25.5 percent, or 53 million, of all Americans are potential money abusers. Myvesta used an independent research firm to conduct the survey of 1,000 random, U.S. adults from Feb. 1 through 13, 2002.
According to the survey, almost two-thirds of adults, age 18 to 24, say shopping gives them a mood change. Nearly one quarter use shopping to escape problems and relieve stress.
"College-age adults respond higher than any other age group to the money behaviors," said Myvesta President Steve Rhode. "Negative money behaviors are warning signs of underlying issues. Young adults need to take personal responsibility for their financial lives or they'll be set up for a lifetime of money abuse."
The most common solution recommended for college student debt has been clamping down on credit. "That's like closing pizza parlors near campus because some students are overweight," Rhode said. "Banning credit cards on college campuses or limiting access to credit in other ways will not curb debt because access isn't the issue driving debt for this age group. Debt is the result of unconscious money abuse, not too much access." Myvesta's 2001 Credit Card Debt Survey study found that the average 18- to 24-year-old has one credit card with a balance of $959. Two-thirds of people in that age group have no credit card debt.
The nine money behaviors Myvesta uses to identify money abuse, with the percentage of young adults who agree with the statements, are:
How 18 to 24 year-olds Ranked Against Other Age Groups in Negative Money Behaviors Negative Money Behaviors Percent of college-age adults who agreed with this statement Rank: How this age group scored in relation to other age groups Experiencing a mood change (high or low) just before or after a shopping event 64.8% 1st Repeated, unsuccessful attempts to control, cut back or stop excessive money use 50.8% 4th Spending money as a way to escape problems or relieve stress 24.5% 1st Feeling alone and spending money to feel better or improve self-esteem 18.6% 2nd Lying, minimizing or rationalizing to conceal spending 18.5% 1st Preoccupied with buying things to impress or influence others 15.7% 1st Losing out on opportunities such as a significant relationship, job promotion, or educational or career opportunities because of money consumption 10.1% 1st Carrying excessive debt as the result of the inability to stop spending money 7.5% 2nd Spending money on or with others in order to maintain relationships 6.7% 4th
The Money Abuse Survey found that men and women have similarly high levels of money abuse. Both genders (women 54.3 percent; men 49.1 percent) report that they have repeatedly tried to control excessive money use. Both genders (women 43.2 percent; men 37.3 percent) report experiencing a high or low mood change from shopping.
"People assume that money abuse is a problem for women, but men have negative money behaviors, too," Rhode said. Nine percent of men say they are preoccupied with buying things to impress others, while only 4.5 percent of women agree with that statement. One in ten men admit to lying, minimizing or rationalizing to conceal their spending, and 14.5 percent of men spend money as a way to escape problems.
"Money abuse can be trouble for any one, at any age," Rhode said. "It is important to recognize the signs of trouble before the problems get worse and cause bankruptcy or financial ruin." According to Myvesta, people who agree with two or more of the money behavior statements are likely to be a money abuser. The Money Abuse Survey found that 25.5 percent, or 53 million, of all American adults agree with two or more of the statements.
"Many people assume that it's normal to be unable to control their money," Rhode added. "It's not. Money abuse is the inability to control excessive debt or spending. It is a recurrent, often unconscious, use of money to overcome underlying issues."
Click below for the full results of the Money Abuse Survey - Parts One and Two.
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Email: [ ] 求一份关于“中国信用卡业务风险与防范”的中英文双语对照文章 信用卡产业是传统金融业务与现代信息技术有机结合的新兴产业,在国际上已经发展成为一个庞大的产业体系,并且保持着较高的增长速度。真正意义上的国际标准信用卡自2003年在内地获得了快速发展,发卡量从2003年初的100多万张猛增至2003年底的400万张。目前,我国信用卡发卡量已突破2000万张,发展势头良好。信用卡的消费信贷功能在解决持卡人临时资金短缺、提高即时购买力、满足大众消费信贷需要等方面有着得天独厚的优势。近几年来,内地信用卡业务的外部发展环境逐渐完善,“金卡”、“金网”工程建设加快,银行卡商户受理范围逐步扩大,政府相继出台扶持内地银行卡产业的相关政策,并加大了对信用卡犯罪的打击力度,人民银行牵头启动的个人征信体系也已逐步投入使用。发展信用卡产业有利于调整和改善银行资产结构。信用卡业务是国外大型商业银行的主要盈利来源之一,净资产回报率普遍高出传统信贷业务一倍以上,获利空间巨大。因此,内地商业银行应大力发展信用卡业务。相对于传统银行业务,信用卡业务具有高成长、高盈利、客户群体庞大、发展前景广阔的特点。 The credit card industry is the traditional financial services and modern IT organic combination of emerging industries in the international community has developed into a large industrial system, and maintained a high growth rate. In the Mainland since 2003, the international standard credit card in the true sense of the rapid development of card volume jumped from more than 100 million in early 2003 to the end of 2003, 4 million. At present, the amount of credit card issuer in China has exceeded 20 million, a good momentum of development. Credit card consumer credit function has a unique advantage to solve the cardholder temporary shortage of funds to improve the immediate purchasing power to meet the credit needs of mass consumption. In recent years, the external environment for the development of the credit card business in the Mainland is the gradual improvement of the "Gold Card", "Golden Web" project to speed up gradually expand the scope of bank card merchant acceptance, the Government have been introduced to support the relevant policies of the bank card industry in the Mainland, and add great efforts to crack down on credit card crime, the lead started by the people's Bank personal credit information system has been gradually put into use. Development of the credit card industry has to adjust and improve the structure of bank assets. Credit card business is the main source of profit for foreign large commercial banks, the net return on assets is generally higher than traditional credit business more than doubled, huge profit margins. Therefore, the Mainland commercial banks should vigorously develop the credit card business. As opposed to traditional banking services, credit card business with high growth, high profitability, a large customer base and broad development prospects. 求以“大学生与征信”的征文 内容不限 字数 2500~3000 不会 急求一篇关于大学生与征信的文章(1500字到3000字的),谢谢了
写作思路:根据题目要求,可以从征信体系的介绍作为开头,之后描写大学生与征信体系之间的关系,在当前时代,需要了解的相关内容,最后总结身为大学生,可以为征信体系做些什么,正文: 大学生是青年群体的佼佼者,大学生的信用记录不仅关系着个人利益,更关系着全民的道德水准和文明素质。国家能否为世界认可,能否立足于世界与我们当代大学生道德素质紧密相关。 国家为了保证每一个大学生顺利完成学业,向我们提供了诸多金融服务:助学贷款、信用卡等。如此多的照顾政策为我们的生活提供了保障。但是,正如屡见不鲜的考试作弊、求职简历注水一般,拖欠偿还助学贷款的现象也是频繁出现。中国人民银行总行长曾痛心疾首地表示,他们怀着一颗炙热的心送出他们的帮助,可是现实却令人心寒,直至2004年拖欠国家贷款的比例还一直徘徊在20%--40%。 这样的数据令我们深省,大学生的诚信问题愈来愈严重,怎样才能改变现状? 当然,完善大学生诚信教育体制十分重要,但是,解决诚信问题迫在眉睫,完善诚信教育体制耗时耗力。所以当前,建立大学生诚信档案,进行大学生征信显得尤为重要。征信是督促大学生提高诚信意识,解决诚信问题最快捷的方法。
大学生与征信 征文 字数3500~3000 我与征信
因此在个人征信方面,按照党中央、国务院的指示,中国人民银行组织各个商业银行建设的全国统一的个人信用信息基础数据库已经于 2004年12月中旬在北京、重庆、深圳、西安、南宁、绵阳、湖州等七城市试运行,并计划于2005年底实行全国联网运行。建立个人信用信息数据库不仅可以帮助个人积累信誉财富,方便个人借款,同时也有助于商业银行控制信用风险,并服务中央银行的货币政策和监管当局的金融监管。
改革开放三十年来,我国的各项工作稳步前进,国家日益富强,这也使得我国有了建立健全的征信体系的前提。有了健全的征信体系,这又是一个利国利民的举措,体现中国共产党为民着想,为民办事的宗旨,符合了马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想以及科学发展观的要求。我坚信,在中国共产党的有力领导下,我国的征信的体系一定会取得更加辉煌的成果。 |