什么项目 用英语怎么说 what project 请采纳 项目介绍英语翻译
For the adjustment of the modern enterprise development, our company set up the R&D group of the auto office software , and I was appointed as the project manager. After research, we learned all working habbits and requirements of all staff, then the requirements introduction of this project has been finished. Later, we make detailed cycle-plans , implementation scheme, and proccess minitoring according to the requirements. Finally, we complete all the plans in time and put into service. 2.
流动资金贷款和项目贷款用英语怎么说? circulating/working capital loan 流动资金 project loan 项目贷款 网贷的利与弊英语作文 Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. 谢谢!!但我是想要这些项目的英文的缩写,也可以说是项目的英文简写? 与雅典奥运会一样,北京奥运会的比赛项目是大项28项,这28项为: 田径:Track and field 赛艇:Races boats 羽毛球:Badminton 垒球:Softball 篮球:Basketball 足球:Soccer 拳击:Boxing 皮划艇:Leather canoe 自行车:Bicycle 击剑:Fencing 体操:Gymnastics 举重:Weight lifting 手球:Handball 曲棍球:Hockey 柔道:Judo 摔跤:Wrestling 水上项目:Aquatic project 棒球:Baseball 现代五项:Modern five items马术:Horse-riding 跆拳道:Tae Kwon Do 网球:Tennis 乒乓球:Ping pong 射击:Fire 射箭:Archery 排球:Volleyball 铁人三项:Iron man three items 帆船帆板:Sailing ship windsurfboard 大家好,我很高兴在快手里告诉大家,我现在遇到麻烦了我网贷了十万,请大家帮帮我,用英语怎么说 Hello I am glad to inform us through the platform of KuaiShou that I have encountered one serious problem that I owe Internet Loan of 100,000 Yuan. I expect that I can get help from you. 公司里做项目用英语怎么说 公司里做项目_ 翻译结果: Do the project in the company |