随络借贷的快速发,一些P2P网络借贷平台不断向高校拓展,受不良网贷平台诱导而过度的大学生成了各家网贷平台争抢的客户。申请便利、手续简单、放款迅速的网络贷款,在给大学生带来便利的同时,却也有可能让他们陷入难以自拔的"高利贷"的陷阱。 故此我认为,大学生应该理性网贷。而不是一个手机里面有好几个网贷app,网贷就如同一种慢性毒药,浅尝即止就可,过度深陷,只会害人害己。 关于校园网贷利弊的英文作文(不用太难,不用太长,简单一点的,要有中文翻译) 校园网贷不错 网贷的利与弊英语作文 Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. 谈谈你对校园网贷的看法
求一篇关于学生校园贷款的英语作文,六级考试能用的 Nowdays,about 20 per cent of the undergraduates can't afford the high tuition and living expenses.Some of them have been financed,but sometimes the one who needs most can't get the aid. Here are the reasons: First,they know few approachs to get the money.Even if the chance is given,there are plenty of procedures to carry on.This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of being financed. Second,some companis or persons often want to fund the most excellent one,while the undergraduates who are not that outstanding but very poor can't get the help. Finally,the number for loans is limited,so the competition is inevitable.If you want to participate in application,maybe you should do more besides submitting material. In reaction to the phenomenon,it is necessary to set up a unified platform for all the undergraduates in poverty. By means of scientific and fair management,it is achieved that every impoverished undergraduate can get the finance aid. 自己攥可以借鉴。我也要考六级了,二战!共勉啊。希望可以帮到你。 作文校园网贷心得体会 我家有三口人,年13,我妈妈39岁,我爸爸38岁.我是一个,也是一个任性的女生.不过我觉得我妈虽然年龄比较大了,也有那么一点点的任性. 今天早上,我爸爸说了我妈妈几句,其实在我看来也没什么了,可是我妈就赌气,这一点也是我没有想到的.今天中午吃午饭,可就是找不到我妈了.也许,她还在为上午的事生闷气吧,反正我也不知道她怎么想的.先是我去找,我看到我妈妈的电瓶车停在我外公家(我外公去我阿姨家了,外婆已经去世了),可是我对着屋子叫了几声,可是没有人回答.我只好骑着我的自行车回来了……无奈啊…… 现在,我爸爸有去找了,我在家都不知道怎么办了. 说句实话,我比较喜欢我爸爸,我爸爸看起来很和蔼,我遇到困难也总会教我,耐心地给我解释……我妈妈以前也是很有耐心的,可是现在动不动就板着一副脸.更年期一般在45岁左右,我妈妈只有39岁,还不到啊!因为我吗?不会啊.我觉得我的成绩也很好啊,没道理回惹她生气嘛! 反正,我也不知道,我不喜欢我妈,因为我觉得我妈太任性了,已经没有了宽容.再说,我觉得今天的事我爸爸也没有错. 我感觉我都没有我妈妈任性,平时虽然我也很容易生气,但我哭过就忘了,而且从来没有不回家吃饭的时候…… 我很想我妈妈回到从前……回到从前的那个温柔的妈妈,虽然以前的妈妈也有缺点,但至少不会和现在一样啊!不会老是生气,老是埋怨.她到底怎么了?我不理解,也没有办法理解.假如她有什么委屈的话,可以告诉我啊!我毕竟是她的女儿啊! 我不知道我的希望是否会实现,只是希望.最近,我爸爸和妈妈经常吵架……也许他们都不明白我的感受… |