谁有英语版本的校园环境保护倡议书啊!!! 朋友请看: http://www.anjibfxx.com/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=50
环保是现代生面临的最大问题.要解决问题必须从基础做起. 首先,要大量宣传,提高人们的觉悟与认识,加强环保意识. 其次,要进行废物回收利用,减少对森林树木的砍伐.还要加强对白色污染的处理,少使用塑料制品. 最后,要对清洁方面作改进.使市容更整洁. 为了地球的明天,我们必须从现在开始努力,要好好地保护环境.于此我们提出如下建议: 实行垃圾分类袋装化.这样不仅能减少环卫工人的工作量,还能更好地起到废物利用,减少污染,节约资源. 买菜时,少用塑料袋,尽量用竹篮子. 用笔尽量用可换芯的,减少圆珠笔外壳的浪费与垃圾量. 外出吃饭尽量不用一次性饭盒. 播种绿色就是播种希望 垃圾过剩与环境问题 垃圾的回收及资源化综合利用 垃圾的回收及资源化综合利用(下)海浴室中的科学 从喝纯水想起
饮用水不单单指纯水,还包括矿泉水,蒸馏水甚至太空水等等. 而我们喝着长大的自来水则成了相对的"非饮用水". 我们并不排除目前饮用水风靡,炒作起了一定的作用, 但它反映了当前水体污染的严重已经到了难以下口的程度.
有报道说:"据报道979年对全国798座城镇的调查, 全国日污水排放量为国为民258万吨, 其中工业废水占用819,生活污水占据199. 1989年对全国代表大会854个城镇进行调查,每天的排放量达365.3亿吨.其中工业废水达成协议5.5亿吨. 这些废水绝大部分未经处理就直接排放, 污染了江河湖海.
此外, 更有一个不争的事实摆在每个上海人面前.上海的母亲河黄埔江,50年代中期(1958年)之前是一条水质清澈,鱼虾成群的河道,1962年水质开始受到污染, 1963年开始出现为期22天的黑臭期,1988年上升到场29天,占全年约2/3, 水质不合格江段占64.5km,占全长113.5km的56.99%.
水是人类赖以生存的重要物质,洁净的人能给人们带来葱茏花木,鸟语花香,恬静舒适,美丽如画的优美环境,给人们带来宁静,愉悦和和平.但是今天污染了的水给人们带来的是痛苦,恐怖和灾难.为了使生活更美好,让秀丽的山水永驻人间,让清水长流不断,人们已越来越清晰地认识到防止水污染的重要性. 播种绿色就是播种希望 垃圾过剩与环境问题 从喝纯水想起 垃圾的回收及资源化综合利用垃圾的回收及资源化综合利用浴室中的科学
2.2005年,一场“环保风暴”在中国内地刮起,30个总投资达1179亿多元的在建项目被国家环保总局叫停,其中包括同属正部级单位的三峡总公司的三个项目。理由是,这些项目未经环境影响评价,属于未批先建的违法工程。 环境恶化无路可退中国的环境问题并非始自今日。早在上世纪90年代,环境污染问题就已非常严重。如淮河流域。在上世纪90年代五类水质就占到了80%,整个淮河常年就如同一条巨大的污水沟。1995年,由环境污染造成的经济损失达到1875亿元。 据中科院测算,目前由环境污染和生态破坏造成的损失已占到GDP总值的15%,这意味着一边是9%的经济增长,一边是15%的损失率。环境问题,已不仅仅是中国可持续发展的问题,已成为吞噬经济成果的恶魔。 目前,中国的荒漠化土地已达267.4万多平方公里;全国18个省区的471个县、近4亿人口的耕地和家园正受到不同程度的荒漠化威胁,而且荒漠化还在以每年1万多平方公里的速度在增长。 七大江河水系中,完全没有使用价值的水质已超过40%。全国668座城市,有400多个处于缺水状态。其中有不少是由水质污染引起的。如浙江省宁波市,地处甬江、姚江、奉化江三江交汇口,却因水质污染,最缺水时需要靠运水车日夜不停地奔跑,将乡村河道里的水运进城里的各个企业。 中国平均1万元的工业增加值,需耗水330立方米,并产生230立方米污水;每创造1亿元GDP就要排放28.8万吨废水。还有大量的生活污水。其中80%以上未经处理,就直接排放进河道,要不了10年,中国就会出现无水可用的局面。 全国1/3的城市人口呼吸着严重污染的空气,有1/3的国土被酸雨侵蚀。经济发达的浙江省,酸雨覆盖率已达到100%。酸雨发生的频率,上海达11%,江苏大概为12%。华中地区以及部分南方城市,如宜宾、怀化、绍兴、遵义、宁波、温州等,酸雨频率超过了90%。 在中国,基本消除酸雨污染所允许的最大二氧化硫排放量为1200万~1400万吨。而2003年,全国二氧化硫排放量就达到2158.7万吨,比2002年增长12%,其中工业排放量增加了14.7%。按照目前的经济发展速度。以及污染控制方式和力度,到2020年,全国仅火电厂排放的二氧化硫就将达2100万吨以上,全部排放量将超过大气环境容量1倍以上,这对生态环境和民众健康将是一场严重灾难。 1月27日,瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛上有人预言,如果再不加以整治,人类历史上突发性环境危机对经济、社会体系的最大摧毁,很可能会在不久的将来出现在中国。 治理污染陷于两难有一种说法,要在经济发展的同时控制好环境,在环保方面的投入须达到GDP的1.5%以上。但这是在环境保护本来就非常良好的情况下,在中国,根据上海的经验,要真正有效地控制环境,环保投入须占到GDP的3%以上。而在过去20年里,中国每年在环保方面的投入,在90年代上半期是0.5%,最近几年也只有1%多一点。环保是一种“奢侈性消费”,投入大,对GDP贡献小,因此,一些本应用于环保方面的专项资金,也被挪作他用。 目前中国在环境问题上进退两难:再不治理,未来无法保障;真要治理,则需大规模投入,眼前的经济又难以承受。 有人算过,云南滇池周边的企业在过去20年间,总共只创造了几十亿元产值,但要初步恢复滇池水质,至少得花几百亿元,这是全云南省一年的财政收入。淮河流域的小造纸厂,20年累计产值不过500亿元。但要治理其带来的污染,即使是干流达到起码的灌溉用水标准也需要投入3000亿元。要恢复到20世纪70年代的三类水质,不仅花费是个可怕的数字,时间也至少需要100年。 违法成本低执法成本高就微观角度说,在过去20年里,国内制造业在无法依靠技术进步降低能耗、降低成本的情况下,只能朝两个方面挖潜:一是工资,二是环保。最简单的事,例如水泥生产,要达到起码的环保要求,每吨水泥需增加8元成本,占水泥出厂价的5%。纺织业每年排放的废水超过10亿立方米. 谁能帮我写一篇以“校园拒绝零食”用英语给学校写一封倡议书? Dear fellow students, There is a serious phenomenon in our school. Many students like to eat snacks very much. We can see that there are so many students that bussinessman can’t wait to sell something. In the school, we find that there are a lot of rubbish about snacks on the playground and so on. Eating too much snacks is bad for us. It will not only waste our money from parents, but also attack our school environment. We should understand that we must protect environment. Believe it or not , we should stop to eat snacks in the school. Otherwise, teachers will phone to your parents. We should protect environment. If you want to eat something, I suggest you eat some fruit. Do you think so? We will be beter。 英语作文保护我美丽校园campus的活动,写倡议书,提倡同学们从我做起,从日常行 您好: In March Lei Feng the month, in order to better study the eighteen, carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng, the majority of young students should take action, to protect the environment around health, for the construction of the beautiful campus contribution strength. Therefore, the Land Institute Youth League issued a "construction beautiful campus environmental protection starts from me to all my classmates": Caring for the earth, protect the ecological, Protect environment, advocate green civilization is a manifestation of social progress, to develop good personal hygiene habits is a sign of social civilization, is the bounden duty of all the students in our class, to create a civilized, specification, beautiful classroom, campus is our common wish, therefore, let us go into action The value of Lei Feng on the occasion, to learn Lei Feng, establish new trends, we solemnly put forward the following suggestions to the students: First, efforts to learn the knowledge of environmental protection, actively participate in school inside and outside environmental advocacy and practice. Two, start from me, start from now, start from the little things around us, advocate a civilized life. 1, let the clean class, the class with bright windows and clean tables, items placed neatly, the initiative to clean up the dirt floors and walls. 2, the campus no spitting, no do not eat snacks, do not litter and waste, take the initiative to pick up other people throw away in the trash. To enhance the "pick up a piece of paper, purification of a mind consciousness. 3, our school all public property, do not trample on the lawn, no description of tables and chairs, not on the wall graffiti. 4, purify the language environment, do not say bad words, foul language, the use of polite language. 5, saving every drop, every unit of electricity. Cherish every grain of food. 6, keep the classroom, dormitory and beautify the campus clean, learning, working and living environment. 7, close to nature, refused to eat wild animal. 8, wash your hands, wash your face, dress neatly, develop good health habits. All the students, and act now, let us work together to protect the environment, planting green hope, protect us clean the classroom, dormitory and the beautiful campus, we want the sun rises every day, the sky is blue, is green, the air is sweet. Keep our campus life!
希望对您习有帮助 【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢 欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~ 习进步~ 一篇英语作文关于校园安全的倡议书 概] 倡议书是为倡议、发起某项活写的号召性的公开提议性的书信 [格式] 倡议书一般由标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款五部分组成。 (一)标题 倡议书标题一般由文种名独自组成,即在第一行正中用较大的字体写“倡议书”三个字。 另外,标题还可以由倡议内容和文种名共同组成。如“把遗体交给医学界利用的倡议书 ”。 (二)称呼 倡议书的称呼可根据倡议的对象而选用适当的称呼。如“广大的青少年朋友们:”、“广大的妇女同胞们:”等。有的倡议书也可不用称呼,而在正文中指出。 (三)正文 正文内容一般包括以下一些方面: 1.写倡议书的背景原因和目的 倡议书的发出贵在引起广泛的响应,只有交代清楚倡议活动的原因,以及当时的各种背景事实,并申明发布倡议的目的,人们才会理解和信服,才会自觉的行动。这些因素交待不清就会使人觉得莫名其妙,难以响应。 2.写明倡议的具体内容和要求 这是正文的重点部分。倡议的内容一定要具体化。开展怎样的活动,都做哪些事情,具体要求是什么,它的价值和意义都有哪些均需一一写明。 倡议的具体内容一般是分条开列的,这样写往往清晰明确,一目了然。 (四)结尾 结尾要表示倡议者的决心和希望或者写出某种建议。倡议书一般不在结尾写表示敬意或祝愿的话。 (五)落款 落款即在右下方写明倡议者单位、集体或个人的名称或姓名,署上发倡议的日期。 [范文] 倡议书 全校师生: 今年我国长江流域和嫩江流域,产生了建国以来的特大洪水,给国家造成了庞大的财产损失 ,给灾区人民的生活带来极大不便。 在社会主义大家庭里,“一方有难,八方支援”是共产主义精神的体现。我们倡议全校师生 捐款捐物来帮助灾区人民渡过难关。“一分钱,一件衣”,钱物有价,情义无价,贵在大家的支持。希望大家尽己所能,热情地伸出友谊的双手,为灾区人民做出贡献,愿意捐款的师生请到学生会办公室联系。 学生会 年 月 日 英语作文绿色校园倡议书 The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour. So I think its time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier. In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel. 假如你们学校要开展“创建和谐校园(to build a harmonious campus)”活动,请根据提示写一篇倡议书,号
One possible version: Our school is like our home. We should try to build up a harmonious campus. First of all, the students in our school should work hard at our lessons. After school, wed better take an active part in all kinds of activities to help improve our health and study. Then we should be friendly to one another. We should respect our teachers and get on well with our classmates. Thirdly, it is our duty to keep the school yard clean and tidy. We shouldn’t throw wastes around or pick flowers. Please do our best to make our school beautiful. 关于校园网贷利弊的英文作文(不用太难,不用太长,简单一点的,要有中文翻译)
写作思路:通过网于学生的作用来描写,结合学生这一群体,没有收入,攀比心强制力差,写出校园网贷的危害。 正文: College students are young, curious and hope to keep up with the trend, so fashionable electronic products are favored by them. But electronic products are often expensive, often thousands, some even tens of thousands. 大学生正值年少、好奇心强、希望能紧跟潮流,时尚的电子产品就受到了他们的青睐。但是电子产品往往价格高昂,动辄几千,有的甚至上万。 In the reporter's survey, most students' monthly living expenses are between hundreds and 1000 yuan, and the source of these living expenses is mainly provided by their parents, and few of them can obtain stable income through part-time jobs. 在记者的调查中,大部分学生的月生活费在几百到一千元之间,而这些生活费的来源主要是父母提供,通过兼职获得稳定收入的并不多。 The contradiction between consumption power and consumption desire makes staging an important way for them to purchase electronic products. Among the surveyed students, the items purchased by installment payment are electronic products, entertainment consumption, daily necessities, etc., of which electronic products account for a large proportion. 消费能力和消费欲望的矛盾使得分期成为他们购买电子产品的一个重要途径。在受访学生中,使用分期付款购买的物品依次为电子产品、 娱乐消费、日用百货等,其中电子产品占了相当大的比例。 On the one hand, when students are short of money, the campus network loan can really solve the urgent need. 一方面,当学生囊中羞涩时,校园网贷确实能解燃眉之急。 Xiao Ren, a senior in the Civil Engineering College of Hebei Institute of architecture and engineering, said: "we don't have a stable income now. Facing the high price of electronic products, we are often" powerless ". Campus network loan can make us enjoy those products that we have been longing for for earlier. 河北建筑工程学院土木工程学院大四学生小任说:我们现在还没有稳定的收入,面对价格高昂的电子产品往往‘有心无力’,校园网贷可以使我们更早享受那些心仪已久的产品。 I think as long as college students can reasonably arrange the quota, they can make full use of it within the scope of tolerance. 我认为只要大学生能够合理安排额度,在承受范围内是完全可以充分利用的。 In addition, like the traditional bank card, the credit business provided by the e-commerce platform also has a fixed repayment date every month. For example, ant Huabei business sets the 10th day of each month as the repayment date. If the current payable amount is not paid before the repayment date, the corresponding overdue interest will be generated. 另外,与传统银行卡一样,电商平台提供的信贷业务每个月也有固定的还款日。如蚂蚁花呗业务设定每月的10日为还款日,若在还款日前,未还清当前应还金额,会产生相应的逾期利息。 If the repayment period is not exceeded within one month, the credit record will not be affected, but the interest will be paid more. If the repayment period is more than one month, the credit record will be "tainted". 如果没有超出还款期限1个月之内能够把款还上的话则不会影响信用记录,只是会多还点利息,如果超出了1个月,信用记录上就会留下“污点”。 |