请问这段话有没有官方的英文翻译? This is about the anti-monopoly law American after the civil war ended in 1865, with the establishment and expansion of the national railway network, the original local and regional market rapidly merging into a unified national market. The establishment of big market has promoted the rapid development of America economy, on the other hand, a monopoly to promote the emergence and development of the trust. Mobil Oil Corp is established in 1879 USA oil industry the first trust, marking the beginning of the first time in the history of America merger tide, trust and become uncontrolled economic forces in the America. Excessive economic concentration not only makes the lower middle class people suffering from monopoly market power abuse of suffering, but also makes the market generally lost vitality. In this context, American outbreak of mass movement against the trust in nineteenth Century 80 time, the anti monopoly trend in 1890 led to the "Sherman method" (Sherman Act) was born. Sherman Fa is the world's first anti-monopoly law, which is also known as the mother of the anti-monopoly law all over the world. But economists oppose Sherman method, a Senate explained at the time, almost everyone agrees "must do something, in order to appease the anger of the people. 英文翻译 请各位大神给予最官方的翻译 在此拜谢 In view of this design is the design for the distribution of yellow tipsexperimental primary school teaching building. In the design, first according to the principle, method of corresponding power supply design, and must be strictly in accordance with the national electrical code various to carry out,which can make design results can meet the national relevant specification,can create a good for the students, the learning environment. The main part of the design is the electrical design, electrical design from the beginning of the lighting part, which contains the light source, lampselection principle, in understanding the corresponding principle, started to carry on the illumination calculation, this is the most important part oflighting design; second is the load calculation, complete the calculation loadfor the setting calculation and setting calculation of wire and cable on the air switch, which can determine the corresponding electrical equipment models;then in accordance with the standards of the state for the arrangement of electric equipment to make proper arrangement, layout good electrical equipment each corresponding to the various equipment, wiring, electricalwiring, after the completion of the design is completed the strengths design.At the completion of the electrical design, to complete the correspondinglightning protection and earthing design and emergency lighting system on the building, completed the design and As the electrical building professional students, the primary school teaching building design for the distribution as a graduate design, its main advantage is that through this design to learn all the effect, to integrate theory with practice, exercise alone design skills and the ability to solve problems alone, and have a deeper understanding of building electrical. 余额宝英文怎么说?
余额宝英文:Yu Ebao。 余额宝是蚂蚁金服旗下的余额增值服务和活期资金管理服务产品,于2013年6月推出。天弘基金是余额宝的基金管理人。 余额宝对接的是天弘基金旗下的余额宝货币基金,特点是操作简便、低门槛、零手续费、可随取随用。除理财功能外,余额宝还可直接用于购物、转账、缴费还款等消费支付,是移动互联网时代的现金管理工具。目前,余额宝依然是中国规模最大的货币基金。 扩展资料 2013年余额宝的横空出世,被普遍认为开创了国人互联网理财元年,同时余额宝已经成为普惠金融最典型的代表。上线一年后,它不仅让数以千万从来没接触过理财的人萌发了理财意识,同时激活了金融行业的技术与创新,并推动了市场利率化的进程。 余额宝的出现,一方面满足了居民日益增长的资产配置需求,对现有的投资产品是一个很好的补充,不仅提高了理财收益,降低了理财门槛,更唤醒了公众的理财意识。 参考资料来源:-余额宝 蚂蚁花呗 分期乐 英语怎么翻译? 你好! 蚂蚁花呗 分期乐 The ants spend bai Installment le 蚂蚁花呗英文 蚂蚁花呗是蚂蚁金服推出的一款消费信贷产品,申请开通后,将获得500-50000元不等的消费额度。用户在消费时,可以预支蚂蚁花呗的额度,享受“先消费,后付款”的购物体验。 2016年8月4日,蚂蚁花呗消费信贷资产支持证券项目在上海证券交易所挂牌,这也是上交所首单互联网消费金融ABS。 蚂蚁花呗英文叫什么 蚂蚁花呗 The ants spend bai 求大神官方的英文翻译 壮观的会议场所 英文:A spectacular meeting place spectacular adj. 场面富丽的,壮观的; 引人注意的; 惊动一时的; 惊人的 n. 壮观的场面,精彩的表演; 〈美〉一小时半以上的大场面电视节目; 特大霓虹灯广告; 复数: spectaculars |